Acne Scars Treatments

Understanding Acne Scars Treatment in Malaysia

Acne is an extremely common condition affecting up to four out of five adolescents to a certain degree. Acne is characterised and caused by several pathophysiologic factors including Propionibacterium acnes activity, overproduction of sebum, androgenic stimuli, follicular hyperkeratinisation, cell-mediated inflammatory response, and cytokine activation.

Inflammatory acne lesions potentially result in permanent scars. Scarring occurs early in acne and may affect some 95 percent of patients with this disease, depending on the severity and delay before treatment.

Aknicare Combi

The most important step in preventing acne scarring is the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of active acne. There are various treatments that can be prescibed by doctors including topical treatments, oral antibiotics, and in the most severe cases, oral retinoids (dermatologist prescription only). However, these usually come with unwanted side effects including skin and mucosal dryness, delayed wound healing and in worst case scenario, fetal defects.

Aknicare Combi is a safer alternative to oral retinoids and antibotics, with high efficacy and minimal unwanted side effects.

Complementing your anti-acne regimen, Aknicare Combi targets the acne causing factors from inside out. The synergistic combination of Epigallocatechin gallate and Zinc gluconate targets the pathogenesis of acne and counteracts the effect of IGF-1 (Insuline-Similar Growth Factor). Bolstered with niacin, to improve overall skin health and skin barrier function to prevent bacterial activity on the skin.

Findings have shown that excessive IGF-1, a protein hormone produced by the liver, can multiply cells that can cause hyperkeratinisation (excessive dead skin cells) and excess sebum production. These are two key acne causing factors.

Acne Scars Subtypes

There are three different classifications of acne scars: atrophic, hypertrophic, or keloidal. Atrophic acne scarring happens to be the most common type, and is an unfortunate long term complication of acne vulgaris.

Atrophic acne scars significantly impacts quality of life, and proves to be a therapeutic challenge for physicians. The pathogenesis of atrophic acne scarring is most likely related to inflammatory mediators and enzymatic degradation of collagen fibers and subcutaneous fat.

The most basic and practical system further divides atrophic acne scars into three main types: ice pick, rolling, and boxcar scars.

Acne Scars Removal Options

A range of options are available for the treatment of acne scarring, including chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, skin laser treatment, dermal fillers, subcision, and combined therapy. Various modalities are used to treat acne scars, but their limited efficacy and problematic side effects have restricted their application.

In order to achieve optimal treatment for acne scars, we need to consider which treatment offers the most satisfactory result. In this article, I will explain the different modalities for treatment of acne scars. I hope that you will find it educational, and will help you in making the decision together with your doctor on how to achieve the best outcome for your skin concern.

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